Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Question 3.

Good morning ! Okay...keeping with the general flow of questions...( reading these I am seriously wondering if Dr. Gregory Stock had some serious relationship issues...)

However, I digress the question of the day is this: While on a trip to another city, your spouse (or lover) meets and spends a night with an exciting stranger. Given that they will never meet again, and that you will not otherwise learn of the incident, would you want your partner to tell you about it? If the roles were reversed, would you reveal what you had done?

Hmm. Okay let's see, I say that I would want to know because let's face it, I am a curious bitch. Having said that however, I think that the knowledge would irreparably damage the foundation of the relationship and I would forever question what he was 'really' doing when away from me. I would want to trust but sometimes things can just change - If the roles were reversed, I would tell him - only because I know myself, the guilt would eat at me until the relationship would erode on its' own. Plus my husband and I have a full disclosure clause in our relationship. Of course I've never had to test this theory so at this point that's all it is...a theory that we have full disclosure but I would like to think I would honor that.

How about you?

oh. questions courtesy of "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock PH.D. < insert same text from previous posts =)

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