Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Question 2 b.

Okay, having bandied this question (in one form or another) with a fellow blogger, I am posing this question to you: My bloggy panel of experts.

Let's suppose for one minute that you have a deep mental/physical/spiritual/ connection with another person (of either gender). You have felt this connection from the first time you met this person. You have come into contact with them at various points in your lives for a period of time spanning over a decade. At each of these points in your lives neither of you was at a point to act on these feelings but there was no denying that they existed. Until one night. You have one night with this person and everything is exactly as you thought it would be. Except that this person is married. You do not know the spouse, have never in fact met.

Knowing that this person could be quite possibly, the 'one' - do you let the chips fall where they may and come clean about the depths of your feelings for them and thus, potentially end a marriage. Or do you remain alone and have relationship after relationship fail because the rest never quite measure up?

Inquiring minds want to know.

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