Saturday, May 28, 2005

The Great Wall of NO.

I constructed the great wall of NO as a protective barrier against the ever-encroaching mount Fruitoloomis.

Just kidding. Actually here is the cold hard truth. I am all for cuddling before coitus. Apres coitus however.....when it is sleep time, there exists two separate sides of the bed. MY SIDE .... and his. I do not like to pretzel up naked and sweaty fighting for the one position that my arm will not fall asleep and rot off in the middle of the night. I do not like to inflict my morning breath on him at ground zero proxmity. I do not like to touch at all when it is time for sleep. In fact. I get crabby. Hence the wall of NO.

It was not erected to keep him from plundering the booty. It is merely a place for the booty to recoup after said plundering. We each like our space, he likes his privacy in his dungeon to play his video games, get creative and to play his weekly D&D game... I like mine when I sleep.

If I have ruined something for you girls out there who do like to cuddle. I apologize... but having watched enough movies with this exact scenario played out...I know that a lot of guys would appreciate just being left alone to sleep after the fact... it may be easier for you to just think of me as one of the guys. =)

You can find his malicious, heartless, slander of me HERE hah! actually, it's pretty funny - even if he is in the dog house!

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