Monday, May 30, 2005


Why do we care what others think of us? What chemical imbalance exists within our makeup that makes us strive for acceptance and push for popularity?

I guess I don't want to know why you care what others think. But I sure as hell would like to know why I care. I will have to admit that I care less now, in my mid-30's, than I did when I was 20-something. It still exists however, buried deep in the recess of my psyche, this need to have people I find interesting....find me interesting back.

It also irks me that when they don't... it hurts my feelings. WTF? I should be stronger than that! I know what I am capable of - both the positive and negative sides of that coin. Why should it matter to me what someone I have never met, will never meet....don't even want to meet... thinks of me?

I am going to keep this generic because truthfully, I don't want to start a large discourse with this particular party on the subject. However, I do find it ironic that I waxed poetic on the virtues of his intellect and writing style to my husband who summed it up in a brief three word reply. "he's an asshole".

No. Actually, he's not. I am the asshole for caring that he thinks less of me than I do!

So bloggy people... do you care what people think of you? Do you care more when it's someone whom you find interesting? At least make me think I am not a freak for caring what someone says about you in this forum! =)

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