Friday, July 01, 2005

Conversations with a four-year-old

So Monkey and I are sitting on the front stoop after dinner last night, having a smoke and watching the occasional lightening flash in the sky. The four-year-old, having finished her pudding, comes out and joins us.

I am not exactly sure what led up to this conversation, but man did we get a laugh.

four-year-old: how come you guys are taking care of me?
Me: well, because we love you silly... why else ?
Monkey: Maybe when Aunt Lisa and Uncle Monkey get old and decrepit (yes, he actually used this word with a four-year-old! - never can start too early...the monkey philosophy )you can take care of us... ?
four-year-old: uhm..sure!
Monkey: Feed us, and wipe our poopy butts....
four-year-old: I don't like to poop though, it smells!
Me: well, you know, it's only fair, we wipe your poopy butt sometimes, and it's not like your poop smells nice either!
four-year-old: *giggling* I'M NOT A BABYSITTER!

heh. at least she knows her limits....

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