Friday, June 24, 2005


I got to work on Tuesday morning... only to be askedbeggedtold to go to Wichita Kansas to help out one of our other facilities. When? oh ...that day. Talk about notice. Dave needless to say, was less than thrilled. To go from a 34-year-old never been a father before type, to a 34-year-old with a teenage son and wife is one thing. To go from that ... to a 34-year-old with a teenager, a wife, a dog, cat AND a four-year-old girl is quite another thing. The ONLY thing that could be more stressful than that...would to then become a single parent over night.

Which is basically what I did to him on Tuesday.

Poor thing. Actually, he did quite well. The house wasn't a total disaster. The girl child was still in once piece, dog was still as fat and happy as ever and the teenager was not grounded for life.

All things considered I would say it was a success. I walked in the door this evening, he kissed me on the cheek and said this:

I am glad your home.

Before disappearing downstairs for some much needed away time from the stressors of single parenthood. I am almost scared to tell him I will most likely have to go back at least one more time in the next three weeks....

The trip itself was uneventful for the most part. We ate some good food, saw lots of cows. I did speak to Jen on the phone... (I'm sorry about your team! I saw they lost in game 7. better luck next year girly!)

It's always neat to talk to people you get to know online in person. HR came with me on this trip, it was our first road trip together. She did manage to pick up a pilot at the hotel....she's ballsy that's for sure. Well I don't know if she picked him up or not, but she gave him his number. Remains to be seen if he calls. Cute, very cute. And young. But older than the last guy she gave her number to, so I suppose it's a step up. She doesn't mean to, she actually thinks they are older. I guess she is just a really bad judge of age. - or maybe just a really good liar, and she actually really likes them young =)

Hope you all had a great week.


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