Saturday, June 11, 2005

Murphy's law.

SO...turns out Monkey and I are having a baby.

hah! sort of. Our four year old niece is coming to live with us for a while. So I decide it's time to take out those retarded sliding glass shower doors people in the 80's decided were a fabulous idea to install in ALL bathrooms. (you know the ones that bolt to the wall and are a bitch to clean? ~ yeah. those)

So MIL and I go to BB&B to buy Alyssa some sheets and stuff she will need to make up a pretty little girl room - since there were no pretty little girls living here previously. Also picked up a new shower curtain and rod and hangy thingers.

Monkey and FIL went to Home Depot to get grout to re-grout the tiles in the bathroom that were in need of some grouting. They come back and get to work. Monkey merely brushes one of the tiles with a screwdriver and the THING FALLS OUT. That's right, it falls the FUCK out. Which, in and of itself, is not a huge dilemma. Except for one thing... there is NOTHING behind the tile. Apparently the builder in his (or her) infinite wisdom, saw fit to wallpaper directly over sheet rock and then stick tiles directly over the wallpaper. Add to that a half ass grouting job and you get 25 years of water mulched sheet rock.

Now sheet rock is a wonderful invention, very useful. But no sheet rock ANYWHERE was meant to come into constant contact with water and remain intact. It's just not designed for that.

So now what we have... instead of a wee grouting project a COMPLETE BATHROOM REMODEL.

On the plus side, I had a fabulous steak dinner.


C'est la vie !

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