Saturday, June 11, 2005

monkey poo

Venessa has been talking about poo. KOM has been talking about poo. Seems that everywhere I look, the topic is poo.

As luck would have it, Monkey and I had to go over to his mother's house for a little family pow wow. OUT OF THE BLUE, with no coaxing, leading conversational snippets my mother-in-law breaks out an old family favorite. The story of Monkey, the grocery store and poop.

As told by my MIL.

*Monkey was a happy baby. Always cooing, and waving his little arms and legs about, never a lick of trouble. A real happy boy. I would take him shopping with him, put him in the little basket seat and he would be just as happy as he could be. He would make those little baby noises and I would go about my business, filling up the cart; getting all my groceries for the week.

Well, now all of a sudden, he screwed up his little monkey face and there was this awful gurgling sound. My god. You never saw so much poop. It welled up over his little plastic pants, and onto the cart. (yes, Monkey wore cloth can imagine how much fun that was to clean up) I picked him up and he started kicking his little legs, which just pumped more of it out and over the rim of his pants. It was all over him...running down my shirt, my shorts, onto my leg.

I just left the cart there and skedaddled (sp?). Now, I couldn't put him in his car seat, so there I was trying to drive, with him on my lap, trying not to get it in the car as well. Monkey just thought this was BIG he kicked even more... of course poop went flying EVERWHERE.

According to MIL - she didn't even bother undressing, they just both climbed in the tub together to hose off. After she finally got clean she had to go and deal with the car and there was still the matter of groceries.


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