Sunday, September 18, 2005

To anyone that feels like:

Showing a little love.

I am putting together a care package for Kaci's husband - Mike. You guys know him as Porter SR here in blogland. I hope to have everything together and ready to ship out within two weeks. If any of you feel like contributing anything to the pile... the things he has requested are:

Candy bars
Chewing tobacco - specifically Copenhagen Black (bourbon flavored)

If you don't want to send the actual stuff and would prefer to send money, I will be happy to buy stuff and send you back the receipts to show what I purchased for him with your money.

There's very little I can do to show my appreciation for everything that they do over there... Mike is the only soldier I know so it's an easy choice for me to pick him to thank. He has given up so much to be over there and at so much personal risk, not to mention what Kaci has had to give up with him over there.

Please don't feel like you have to do anything, I just thought I would extend the offer to you - should anyone here in blogland feel like joining in.

If you do, email me and I will give you details =) Or.. even better, email me and I will give you his address and you can send your own package =)

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