Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Calling all men.....

I just have to say - Vortexia was drawn in. Classic.

Since you asked, I think the letter was a bit too snarky to allow an opening for dialogue. Not that I don't think it was appropriate, but if I got it, I'd write the woman off. I wouldn't assume that she wanted to hear one damn word more from me.
KOM | Homepage | 07.27.05 - 2:50 pm | #

This is a comment from KOM regarding my last post and HR's letter to SW. It brings to light an interesting question, one I can only pose to you men out there - if it were YOU in this situation (SW's situation)and you received a letter like this from your "girlfriend" how would YOU respond, if at all?

Do you think that the girl who spent 2 years officially in a relationship with you deserves some kind of explanation or apology? Or do you think that the tone of the letter nixes that necessity?

Would you be more likely to be apologetic if the girl had not written you a letter such as this?

And before you answer, I am asking because I am curious, not being judgemental! So please answer honestly - not with what you think we want to hear! =)

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