Wednesday, May 18, 2005


This blank screen is probably the most intimidating thing I have looked at all day. I mean what do people want to see when they click on the link to my page. Do they want to know about my day? Do they want to know about my past? Do they want me to make stuff up for shock value? Truth be told I am much more exciting on the inside than I am on the outside. If I didn't have to work and had an indefinite supply of cash, I would be the most exciting fucker around.

I would travel and have adventures! Every day would be a new and fascinating tale. As it is, I get up (too fucking early) do the bare amount of exercise necessary to qualify the act as actual exercise. Have a shower. Feed and water the dog. Force him out in the back yard for his daily tour of his personal toilet (my tulips apparently). Dry my hair, apply some makeup and perfume. Watch the news while I put on my shoes. Walk down the hall and wake up my son first and then my husband. Find my ID badge, which never seems to be where I leave it. Grab my banana and whatever lunch I am having that day.

Enter garage, start car...commence driving. I do love my job, but right now we are in a transitional phase which has us all split up around the mid-west. So I am alone all day in a huge office space. (hence no amusing work stories...)

I watch the clock tick away the hours until I can lock up and head home.

Soon, I will have amusing work stories. But for now, I have seen this on a number of other sites I peruse daily and I would like to try it. Questions and answers.

The first ....o let's say 10 questions that are asked. I will answer honestly - whatever the question. (anything more than that and I am free to make up shit at random!) So, if there is anything you are curious about...Now is your chance!

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