Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I have a confession....

I farted on my husband yesterday. I am surprised that he hasn't told you all yet. But I figured if I just 'fessed up it would be easier on me in the long run.

When I say I farted ON my husband, I mean precisely that. He said something snarky as is his way, I said something like... you are just lucky I don't fart on you...Heidi laughed and that is usually the catalyst for me to do something really retarded...

I got up and before I even realized what I was doing, I sat on his lap and farted.

I am a horrible horrible person. I know this. Such a completely un-ladylike thing to do. I did it anyway. I don't know when, and I don't know where...but I do KNOW - his retribution will be horrible and probably deeply emotionally scarring. I am afraid. I am VERY afraid.

Pray for me y'all.

My cooter and I are going into hiding.

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