Saturday, May 14, 2005

looking back on this week.

All in all, it has been a pretty eventful week. Two of my friends (well actually, one of my friends and one of my husband's) announced they are pregnant. I magnanimously offered baby-sitting services up to and including the 7th month of life. Why 7 months you ask? Well in a nutshell, I love everything about babies. Once they start to sit up and be all demanding and's time to move on!

But hey, congratulations to CR and BN!!! Kind of makes me wish I could jump on the having a baby bandwagon as well....but then I think....Jake is 14. (and incidently the little bugger is 5'11! I just found that out today reading his fitness report from school... 5'11?????? ) Jake is 14 and plausibly, in the next 5 years I could be sans children in the I really want another 20 years of child rearing ahead of me.... probably not.

You will remember my story about AW. Well, he got out on Thursday from villa de recoup your sanity. And apparently has gone from trying the "pack your bags, we're going on a guilt trip" approach to being irate and vengeful. I believe it is due to the extreme lack of coddling he got this round. Needless to say, that's all my MIL needs - to be worried he may try to do something to one of us.

Had my usual Friday night Chinese-fest with HR - followed of course by much lady-like fluffing.

Yes, very eventful.

My husband is going back to school in the fall to build up more "techy" skills. To quote Yoda, "it's very proud of him I am.". Sometimes I think about what my life would be like if I hadn't taken a chance and come down here to be with him. Thank God I did. It's a pretty good life.

More later! Toilets and Ironing are calling! o joy.

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