Saturday, July 09, 2005

"oh if this were our first date......

we so never would have gotten married." The quote of the evening......

So I went to the store this afternoon, to pick up some shrimp and scallops to grill. We prepare the meal - Monkey manning the grill, I make the salad, prepare the rice, pour some wine and set the table on the deck, thinking that perhaps, with no child running around we could have a nice adult dinner.... romantic and shit.

No sooner does Monkey sit himself at the table than the flies start to swarm... I don't mean 1 or 2, not even five....but like ten of the little bastards. After brushing about five of them away from every mouthfull, we concede defeat and run inside with the food.

Of course 2 of the more enterprising ones made it inside with us, but two against two are far better odds than we were dealt outside.

We settle in at the dining room table thinking that NOW, we could start our romantic evening...prior to vacating the patio, one of my scallops had jumped off the skewer onto the deck and the dog had immediately claimed it as his own.

Now, a brief 3 minutes later, the scallop showed him who was boss and ended up on the dining room floor with various other things the dog had ingested that day. I go to the kitchen grab stuff to clean it with, clean it up... wash my hands and return (yet again) to the table....

Not thirty seconds later.... Monkey gets a nose bleed... has only ever had one other one in his entire life.... and picks tonight for number two. (Karma anyone?????)

so being the good wife I am, I offer him a tampon... he politely declines and goes about trying to fix it in his own manly method.... (I really just wanted a picture of him with a tampon hanging out of his nose.... ).

We finally finish our dinner and decide that the only thing that could possibly make this evening any better... would be if the scallops gave us food poisoning and he had to hold my hair back while I yakked in the toilet and he gave in and finally stuffed a tampon up his nose...

I guess we old married folk just aren't built for romance =)

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