Tuesday, May 03, 2005

cartoon clouds

I was driving home from work and happened to notice the clouds. They looked exactly like the clouds in the opening blurb of the Simpsons. You know, blue sky dotted with white fluffy bits of cotton. What a perfect day. I then proceeded to auto-pilot home. Do you ever do that? Start thinking about things and just kind of go into robot mode. I do. Everyday on the highway. Then I remember I am driving on the highway and zone back in and realize I have driven 1/4 of the way home without realizing. I'm surprised I'm still here.

I have dinner in the oven, a freshly opened can of diet coke in front of me and I am ready to divulge what I was pondering on the way home. Ready? Here it comes... open marriages.

We have a friend, (actually he is my husband's friend) who is currently in one. To the outsider it sounds all sorts of exciting ... I mean what better solution to keep someone faithful but the permission to 'not' be faithful. It kind of kills two birds with one stone really. You get to have the security of commitment and the haven of home and hearth with the freedom to explore your options.

Well hell, why don't we all do it?

Here comes the clincher. I love the thought of the chase, the butterflies, the 'new relationship smell', the anticipation... all of that.

Here's what I hate.... the thought of my husband with his cock in someone else feeling all those things for someone else.

Wonder if open relationships can be one-sided? hah!

I think that most women... and I say most because I am sure that there are some out there, *gestures wildly towards the office window and the world beyond- that feel differently*... get on some level, mentally attached to people we fuck. It's an emotional thing. we see the possibilities, the promise of ...more? Maybe it works for men differently but I dont think so because I asked our friend this weekend how he would feel if it were his wife out with another man on a Saturday night with the potential for __________< insert descriptive word of choice for 'fucking' there. And he said he wouldn't like it. To this comment I merely arched an eyebrow at him and continued driving. ( I do so dislike double standards)

Interesting. Maybe men fuck emotionally too. Maybe we aren't all that different. So for now, I suppose I would call my marriage closed. But after 15 + years of marriage maybe it too will be open. Who knows.

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